If you are a Harry Potter fan, as I am myself, this juicy piece of news which I came across a couple of days ago may then absolutely catch your fancy! Guess what! The sooo awaited Harry Potter theme park has just opened in Florida!I couldn't believe my eyes when I read this article on the Guardian website, so I thought it as a more than interesting topic to share on my journal with you :)! Read it and spread the word to other fans!
Yes, fantasy became real. At this park, you can embark on the most thrilling voyage of discovery to unravel some of the intriguing mysteries of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy by engaging in one of the most nerve-racking ride ever : the GCI ride through scenes from a Harry Potter movie. According to the Guardian's article, in this 3D ride park-goers may fly over the forbidden forest, play Quidditch with Harry and Ron and come face-to-face with hollowed-eyed dementors.
An intense experience, huh? Well, there's more to it! Over and above, this impressive theme park replicates Harry Potter's world in EVERY way you may possibly imagine. For instance, if you are hungry while at the park, you can only buy food or beverages that are authentic to Harry's wizarding world. This means that you can grab a bite of porridge, cournish pasties, not to mention that you can have pumpking juice and butterbeer . I know all these things may have once sounded either inedible or undrinkable, but the fun part though is that you might end up acquiring a taste for them!
For more information about this FUNtastic theme park click on the link bellow! Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did ;)
Well, Estefi , if you are planning to go, do count me in. The pictures I’ve seen around the web look amazing, it seems as if you could suddenly find yourself walking through Hogsmeade. Can you imagine having a Butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks ?